These photos were taken at the presidential debate before the presidential election. In these images that they put together I am going to have to say whoever put them together was a fan of Barack Obama. It is clear in this picture what they are trying to say and the message I get from this picture is Obama has answers and McCain is speechless. On a personal level and this picture is showing that Obama is favored in the election and they are kind of criticizing the point of view of the republican McCain. It is an attempt to show that Obama is the right choice for president. Historically pictures like this are very bias throughout history through many political events the candidate who is favored always seems to have the better picture when it comes to split photos of the two candidates. From a technical perspective this is just a way to show how you favor someone and how your against someone else. That is how the six perspectives pertain to this photograph. 

This picture was a very historical moment in sports history. Muhammed Ali had recently lost the title not to long ago and he regained the title during this match. In this match he defeated George Forman who clearly was no match for the power if Ali based on the photograph. These to black boxers were very popular during a time where racism was present in America which is very suprising. This shows that if you wanna be the best you have to beat the best and it is well portrayed in the image with the right hook from Ali right to the left side of Foremans face. The way they show the picture it is putting intimidation into other boxers faces by being on the front of a Sports Illustrated. I think it was made to scare people away from fighting one of the greatest fighters of all time. This clearly explains the six perspectives of this picture in every point of view.
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